Climate change is a complex phenomenon influenced by various natural and human-induced factors, contributing to climate changes that affect global and regional weather patterns. Natural events that cause changes in sunlight, volcanoes, and the Earth’s orbit have influenced the climate gradually and have been studied and understood over a long period. Human-induced factors like burning fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, industrial production, and agriculture release carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into the air. Their impacts on climate due to global warming have been very drastic and significant. This alarming situation motivates the urgent need to analyze and mitigate the factors that adversely impact climate change. For this, it is imperative to develop models, tools, and techniques for climate change analysis that can provide insights that can unravel the complex interactions among various factors that contribute to climate change, enabling informed decision making and the design of practical strategies to mitigate impacts caused by both human and natural factors.